EVERYONE get's the same 24 hours, but everyone is having a different life experience!

Welcome to the 8 Minute Recharge Training Hub

Welcome to the eight-minute Recharge Training Hub, this library was created in 2019 and has been built upon since then with new eight-minute trainings and will continue to evolve with more and more trainings.

Through our work with clients, we identified that busy people didn't have time to do the things that would help them recharge and give them more energy but they did have eight minutes, how do I know, how do we know that you as a busy person have eight minutes.

You clean your teeth every day twice a day this takes around eight minutes, you make a drink that’s four minutes, how many drinks do you make per day those four minutes all add up, you take a shower you go to the bathroom these things take four minutes, five minutes, six minutes, eight minutes and so what we started to notice was that things that were necessities and are an essential part of daily life you had time for, you found time for, you made time for.

The science is becoming harder to ignore, as are the benefits from it and the story that I often like to share is the one about pineapples I'm not sure if you've heard me share this before, listen again and see if you get the next lesson. Did you know that it takes a around 18 months for a pineapple plant to grow one pineapple and 12 months for every subsequent pineapple (if the conditions are correct) for around seven years, imagine the patience and the persistence that the farmer has to have to grow one pineapple per plant for 18 months.

What you're doing by spending eight minutes on one of the activities whether it's a mindful, movement or meditative activity is planting seeds, and these seeds are growing plants you're not necessarily seeing until further down the road.

When should I do these activities?

In the morning at lunchtime in the evening, throughout the day whenever you feel like you need to recharge your energy.

These activities are a mini time out. Each activity is designed for you to be able to do it wearing what you're wearing (even the movement activities, where we’ve got 8-Minute HIIT and Yoga routines that you can wearing what you're wearing, so that it doesn't take any more time out from your day and you can also use these activities to inspire you to create your own 8 Minute activities.

How much time do I need?

If the things that we recommend in these videos start to become too familiar to you, then you can try other things and as I've said we will be adding more content to them as time goes on,  you will have new meditations, new guided meditations and new audio meditations to listen to every single month that you can do for eight minutes, or do two for 16 minutes, and three for 24 minutes you can build them up you can spread those eight minutes throughout the day whatever works for you.

Some weeks you might have more time some weeks you might need this toolkit these tools this this box of tricks more than other weeks but just remember the pineapple story, you're planting seeds.

We need to move our bodies, mindfulness activities gratitude lists all of these things help us to notice what's going on in ourselves in our minds in our lives on a day-to-day basis and then meditation this is just pushing pause, pressing time out.

It's not that the things in our life disappear when we do these activities, it's that the person we return to our life as is more able to connect, to see things from a different perspective and has recharged their energy.

I'm SO excited that you're here I can't wait to hear how things go if you have any questions or any recommendations, or there's any 8 Minute activities that you would like us to record for you please feel free to reach out at the email address below.


⏰ It’s your Time, enjoy!




Choose one of the activities listed below, all you need is 8 minutes.

- You can do as many of the activities as you want to

- Print out the pdfs & keep them close to hand

- Journaling throughout the day is such a great way to clear out negative thoughts

- These activities are not a magic pill, used regularly they will help change how you feel

- They will change your energy levels within 8 minutes or less.




There are 3 types of activity to choose from depending on how you're feeling, some includes 8 minute videos & others are downloadable trainings for:

✅ Movement Activities

✅ Mindset Techniques

✅ Mindfulness Practices

Choose what feels right for you today & do what you need.

You can do more than one activity at any time of the day or night.

** Bookmark the link to this hub somewhere easy to access & keep coming back.






Welcome to the 8 Minute Recharge Hub. My name is Abigail Barnes and I am your trainer.

CLICK HERE: Find out more about the Training & Workshops we offer for Individuals & Organisations.




Yoga - Charlie Granger

CLICK HERE Find out more about the services she offers.

Personal Training - Steve Walker

CLICK HERE Find out more about the services he offers.

Meditation - Laura Coleman

CLICK HERE Find out more about the services she offers.


Trainings were recorded in 2019 in collaboration with experts.

These trainings do not aim to replace professional medical advice or therapy. Please seek the support you need where necessary. Success by Design Training accepts no liability.

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