The human body needs sleep for a variety of different reasons ranging from cell regeneration to allowing your mind to process and recalibrate the activities of the day.
When we sleep our bodies go through 4-6 sleeps cycles per night depending on how much sleep we need/how much sleep we get. A sleep cycle is divided into 4-phase
This part of the formula also looks at cutting edge research into activities like micro breaks/mindfulness & meditation as forms of restorative rest.
1. During sleep our bodies rest, restore and rejuvenate, muscles grow, tissue repair, and hormones synthesize.
2. During sleep we solidify and consolidate memories from the day; information & experiences are transferred from more tentative, short-term memory to stronger, long-term memory. This process is called consolidation.
3. Cytokines, a type of protein that targets infection and inflammation, produced and released during sleep.
4. The quality of your sleep directly affects the quality of your waking life (mental & physical health).
5. Restorative sleep enables you to work, learn, create, and communicate at your full potential.
6. Making time to get the sleep you need each night means your energy, efficiency, and overall health and productivity will increase.
7. No other activity delivers so many benefits with so little effort (ROI).
8. Sleep is the rest, reset & regulation our bodies need to keep us alive!
When we sleep our bodies go through 4-6 sleeps cycles per night depending on how much sleep we need/how much sleep we get. A sleep cycle is divided into 4-phase. When we first fall asleep we go into non-rapid eye movement sleep phase 1 (NREM), at this stage we are still in light sleep and can be roused, there are 3 more phases like this.
At NREM 3 this is when we are in the deepest phase of the cycle, and if you were to to wake someone from this stage of sleep they would be disorientated and groggy. The final stage of the cycle is know as rapid eye movement sleep (REM), the stage at which people tend to dream.
A whole cycle lasts around 90 minutes and at each stage the body is working on repairing and restoring a different part of itself.
See the diagram below for an illustration of what happens while you sleep.

Contrary to popular belief people who take naps are not lazy, they are energy maximisers!
According to a study carried out by the School of Psychology, at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia.
Having a 10-minute nap produced the most benefit in terms of reduced sleepiness and improved cognitive performance, but don't nap for longer than 20 minutes as the effectiveness diminishes and longer than 30 minutes can lead to grogginess and disorientation.
Use the calculator below to work out what time you need to go to bed in order to wake up refreshed. It is important to remember it is a guide, the amount of time you are asleep does not always dictate the quality of your sleep.
"Framing the issue of work-life balance - as if the two were dramatically opposed - practically ensures work will lose out. Who would ever choose work over life?" Sheryl Sandberg
The 1:1 Time Audit Session has happened at the perfect time, having just finished the 5-week Master Your Time Breakthrough Programme. Which had already massively helped me to start maximising my time.
The session allowed me to quickly identify further areas for improvement such as my morning routine, task grouping, and discipline with timings and monthly metrics to measure success.
I implemented what I learned immediately and have gained at least an hour a day of productive time and am a lot more focused too.
I now have more time to spend on long term actives/business development that will grow my business. I would really highly recommend this session with Abigail.
Anna, Southhampton
I am always looking to get better with time management and the streamlining of my processes around it.
I struggle mostly with prioritising and delegation of tasks.
The best part about the session was learning how to ‘plan for the week’ – meaning I am not rushing on a Monday to get things done.
My biggest take away from the session was to stop justifying things to yourself – if you want to do something, just do it!
If you want to learn at least one tip that will change how you plan your days/weeks, it’s worth meeting Abigail.
Elliot, London
I felt under pressure from every angle and as someone starting a business I found it hard to know what to do and what not to do. What tasks to pick up and what to leave.
I was struggling with the fact that I seemed to be loosing time! Tasks would take too long, and I would get bogged down in activities which were not very helpful.
My biggest take away from the session was how Abigail helped me cut through the fluff of my thinking to be more focused and more compassionate towards myself.
Richard, London
My biggest take away from the session was TRULY understanding how I was actually spending my time, versus how I believed I was. The changes I have now been able to make in my business mean I have twice as much time for sales activities as I did before.
Adam, London