Did you know that 2 hours spent scrolling on social media every day, multiplied over a year, adds up to 30 days!
🤯 Yes that’s ONE MONTH!!
🎉 This week on The Time Management Podcast I’ll be sharing 3 simple ways that you can get rid of your social media distractions once and for all!
This Episode is for you if:
→ Your social media is a constantly distracting you
→ You feel like your scrolling is starting to get out of control
→ You want some simple things you can do to get rid of your social media distractions
“Your Time Management is the direct reflection of your self-worth.” Abigail Barnes
In this episode we also covered:
- ONE: Mindset Shift – It’s my Time & I want it back
- – We all get 24 hours a day
- – We all have different responsibilities
- – If we don’t allocate it, it will be allocated for us
- Episode 033 Thoughts about Time
- Conscious & Unconscious
- Habits & Self Worth
- “Your time management is the direct reflection of your self-worth.” Abigail Barnes
- The Monkey Mind: Chimp Paradox, Prof Steven Peters
- Episode 025 Imposter Syndrome
- Episode 002 Procrastination
- Where is your time going? Do you actually know?
- Episode 015 Audit Your time
- “When you change the way you look at your time, the time you have will change.” Abigail Barnes
- Homework – Q 1. How do I currently allocate my time?
- TWO: Habit Shift – It’s my Time & I’m taking it back
- – Silence the notifications
- – Upgrade the dopamine
- – Know your strengths & work with them
- The hunt for dopamine
- The Huberman Lab Podcast – Prof Andrew Huberman
- Episode 30 Neurodiversity
- Homework – Q 2. What new habits will I try?
- THREE: Reality Shift – It’s my Time & I’m in charge
- – What is the distraction costing you? If it’s not paying you, you’re paying for it
- – The clock is ticking & you will be left behind
- – Your dreams are possible, but they need your time
- Episode 21: How to Avoid Distractions & Remain Focused
- What are you looking for?
- Episode 024 Human Design
- Open G Centre – Purpose, Meaning, Companionship,
- Inspiration, Possibility, Permission
- Information, is this the best source?
- Homework – Q 3. What boundaries do I need to put in place?
- And so much more
035 Three simple ways to get rid of Social Media Distractions with Abigail Barnes
Homework from this week’s episode
Q 1. How do I currently allocate my time?
Q 2. What new habits will I try?
Q 3. What boundaries do I need to put in place?
– I can’t wait to hear what you take away from this episode, your ah has & questions.
Connect with me on Linkedin or Instagram so that we can continue the conversation there!
It’s your Time!
Links for this Episode:
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Website: www.successbydesigntraining.com
Podcast Website: www.thetimemanagementpodcast.podbean.com