FUTURE VISIONING: How to meet your successful self

When was the last time you asked yourself if the life you’re living is the one you want? 📣This week on The Time Management Podcast we’re diving deep into Future Visioning with an exercise you can use to meet your future self. The version of YOU who’s on a different timeline, living the life of…
Digital Organisation: How to be more EFFICIENT

Do you feel overwhelmed by your emails? Is your filing system one search away from disaster? How much time, money and energy do you think you’re wasting looking for things on a daily/weekly basis? 📣 In this episode of The Time Management Podcast we meet Shawn Lemon, The Digital Organizer, who shares his tips, tricks…
Near Death to New Beginnings [life after a stroke]

What if today really was your last day, would you be happy with the life you’ve been living up until now, or would you have regrets? 📣 This week on The Time Management Podcast I’m celebrating 13 years since my near death experience on a work business trip to Boston, America on 25 February 2012.…
10 LIMITING BELIEFS stopping you from being more successful

Which of these 10 Limiting Beliefs is stopping you from being more successful? What does the word Success even mean to you? We’re at a time in history where we’ve never had more information, technology, opportunities and possibilities and yet so many of us are not living the life of our dreams. 📣 This week…
Active Rest: The life changing power of WASTING TIME

Are you ready for a real conversation about Time Management, beyond the obsession, beyond the hype, beyond the hunt for the ‘perfect’ balance and to discover how deliberately wasting time can improve your Productivity? In this episode of The Time Management Podcast we meet Sandra Dailidyte, a Portfolio Manager at Cazenove Capital who shares her…
How to STOP Procrastinating & start living

What if the life you are supposed to be living is waiting for you to claim it, like a prize that you’ve already won. What if procrastinating has become an addiction and it’s time to break it. 📣 This week on The Time Management Podcast we’re talking about how good your life gets to be…
This one change made me 10x more efficient Simon Bergenroth

Are you really as productive as you could be? Efficiency is only possible when you stop guessing and find out what’s really going on with your Time Management. In this episode of The Time Management Podcast we meet Simon Bergenroth, an ex-client who read my book Time Management for Entrepreneurs & Professionals, audited his Time…
3 Ways to change your negative thoughts FAST

We’ve all been there, a thought blossoms into another and another and before you know it, you’re in a downward spiral of fear, worry and catastrophising. 📣 This week on The Time Management Podcast I am sharing 3 things you can try to change your negative thoughts QUICKLY. Strategies based on science and spirituality, that…
2025 Astrology Update with Ira Kiourti Phd

Diving deeper into the intriguing world of astrology, specifically what Pluto moving into Aquarius could mean for us all this year and until 2044, we all know what happened when Pluto moved into Capricorn back in 2008. 📣 This week on The Time Management Podcast my guest Ira Kiourti, PhD is back to talk more…
RESET your Success Story in 2025 | Part 2

There’s never been a better time to RESET your Success story, to draw a line in the sand and to decide that even though…It’s your Time. 📣 This week on The Time Management Podcast I am sharing 5 questions you can ask yourself if you’re ready to RESET your Success story in 2025 as well…