When it comes to Time Management there is no one size fits all approach, because we’re not all the same human, our circumstances, situation and resources are all different, let’s talk about it.
📣 This week on The Time Management Podcast I am joined by Simon Williams a listener who wanted to share their approach to Time Management off the back of listening to Episode 59 where I shared 5 Time Management strategies I abandoned that made me more productive.
“When you change the way you look at your time, the Time you have will change.” Abigail Barnes
In this episode we also covered:
- When people say they don’t have time, what they really mean
- “If they wanted to, they would.” M. Barnes
- 5 Time Management strategies I abandoned that made me more productive
- 1. Eat that Frog
- 2. Using Digital Tools
- 3. Obsessing over Time
- 4. Idolising Experts
- 5. Ignoring my Human Design
- Simon Williams – 3M (Listener Tips & Question)
- Thoughts on Distractions
- Thoughts on Procrastination
- x3 Time Saving Tips
- 55 minute Default Meetings
- Q. Abigail, how do you manage your to-do List when urgent things come up?
- Episode 019 How to tame your to-do list: Using the Traffic Light Formula
- Magic Time: Starts 6 December – 16 December (save 60% link below)
- Over 10 days we are going to talk about:
- – Einstein Time vs. Newtonian Time
- – The truth behind Einstein’s theories of relativity and quantum mechanics
- – Experiments that prove YOU are the creator of your reality, like the Double Slit Experiment
- – And the Observer Effect
- – How time and magic intertwine, from ancient practices to today’s cutting-edge discoveries.
- – What your Human Design reveals about your unique relationship with time
- PLUS using this information to Manifest your Productivity Goals in 10 days
- And so much more
Episode 061: Listener Conversation: My ‘controversial’ to-do list strategy. Simon Williams talks to Abigail Barnes
It’s your Time!
Links for this Episode:
Magic Time | Runs 6-16 December | BOOK NOW: https://bit.ly/JOINMAGICTIMENOW
(save 60% Black Friday Month)
Other useful Links: https://bit.ly/EPISODELINKS
Simon Williams | 3M Consumer Business Group
North Europe Shopper Marketing Lead – Office, Education and E-Commerce Channels,
→ Connect with Simon on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simon-williams-0a1a8835/
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Podcast Website: www.thetimemanagementpodcast.podbean.com
Email: enquiries@successbydesigntraining.com
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