Energy Management: The 8 Minute Recharge

What if one 8 minute activity could create instant energy on demand…would you try it?

📣 This week on The Time Management Podcast I shared my tried and tested method for creating instant energy on demand. It’s simple, quick and easy and all you’ll need is 8 minutes.

This Episode is for you if:

→ You’re constantly running on low or very little energy

→ You’re using coffee and energy drinks to get through the day

→ You’re ready to learn a quick, simple and easy way to get your energy levels back on track

“Your energy is finite, but it is rechargeable.” Abigail Barnes

In this episode we also covered:

  • Energy & Where it comes from?
  •  What drains our energy?
  • Why we Sleep by Matthew Walker
  • Sleep – What it does & why it matters?
  • How much sleep do you need?
  • “Your energy is finite, but it is rechargeable.” Abigail Barnes 
  • How are you currently allocating your time and energy (The 888 Formula)
  • 015 Where’s all my time going?
  • 031 “I found an extra hour & 15 mins a day.” Caroline Milne
  • 041 Is your MINDSET killing your Productivity (Growth v Fixed Mindset)
  • Self Sabotage: Why we don’t do what we know
  • 006 The Addiction to Busy & How to let it Go
  • Time Management, how can you get back on track
  • 039 Efficiency versus Effectiveness (Playing the Productivity game)
  • 023 How to juggle your work life responsibilities without burning out (BURNOUT TIPS)
  • 019 How to tame your to-do list: Using The Traffic Light Formula
  • Homework: Audit your Time
  • Protect the Asset: The 8 Minute Recharge
  • Movement, Mindset, Mindfulness
  • The Science of Meditation, Episode #96 The Huberman Lab Podcast
  • Homework: Try one 8 Minute Activity this week (Access free, Recharge Hub)
  • Homework: Join the Productive Wellbeing Community (update us on your progress)
  • Episode 024 Human Design
  • Your Energy Type & why it matters?
  • And so much more

Episode 043: Energy Management: The 8 Minute Recharge with Abigail Barnes

📌 Homework from this week’s episode

1. Homework: Audit your Time for 7 Days

– Audit your Time:

2. Homework: Try one 8 Minute Activity this week (Access free, Recharge Hub)

– Access the Recharge Hub (Reset your Energy )

3. Homework: Join the Productive Wellbeing Community

– Join the Productive Wellbeing Community:

→ Connect with me on Linkedin or Instagram so that we can continue the conversation there!

⏰ It’s your Time!

Links for this Episode:

Why we Sleep by Matthew Walker: BUY NOW

The Huberman Lab Podcast #96

⏰  Time Management for Entrepreneurs & Professionals, by Abigail Barnes

 – Free chapter:

 – Buy the book:

 – Buy it on Amazon (Available Worldwide)

How to Audit your Time:

Useful Links:


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