I went into this week’s episode anticipating a conversation about GRATITUDE and how it can save us time, and came away with answers to that question and so much more.
📣This week on The Time Management Podcast I am joined by Chris Schembra, a celebrated keynote speaker, best-selling author, and expert in human connection. USA Today calls him their “Gratitude Guru”, he’s the Founder of the 7:47 Gratitude Experience™ a 2-time Emmy Award winner and Pasta sauce inventor.
This Episode is for you if:
→ You’re deep in the trenches of hard times
→ You’re struggling to find the bright side of something that’s happened to you
→ You’re looking to learn from someone who vulnerably shares the Process (The Positive Benefits Checklist) they’ve used to find the silver lining in their darkest hour. Post-concussive syndrome, sustained from a head-on collision on their scooter in September 2023.
“Gratitude saves time by speeding up the process of acquiring wisdom” Chris Schembra
In this episode we also covered:
- About Chris Schembra
- Time & New Perspective post Accident
- How can Gratitude save us Time?
- Gratitude as a powerful tool: Enhancing relationships & emotional well-being
- “Gratitude saves time by speeding up the process of acquiring wisdom”
- Philip Watkins, Eastern Washington University Research Study: Grateful Processing
- Life changing Accident: What happened?
- Processing negative experiences through gratitude to gain wisdom
- Post-concussive syndrome & Life changing Lessons
- The Positive Benefits Checklist
- Gratitude Through Hard Times
- Finding Positive Benefits through our Darkest Hours
- What’s next?
- Proactive mental well-being programs
- Human Connection & Mental Health
- 7:47 Gratitude Experience™
- Inquisitive Empathy Workshops
- Kindness Levels & Ingratitude meets Appreciation
- The negativity bias
- Yoga Nidra Meditation (non sleep deep rest)
- Transcendental Meditation
- “I read in order to understand what I know inside already”
- Trusting your intuition
- The Artist’s Way – Morning Pages
- Is it all worth it – Is this it?
- The Serenity Prayer – ‘The Courage to know the difference’
- And so much more
Episode 047 Gratitude Through Hard Times: Finding Positive Benefits through our Darkest Hours | Chris Schembra
Links for Chris Schembra:
Website: https://www.chrisschembra.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/schembra/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chris.schembra/
Rolling Stone Column: https://www.rollingstone.com/author/chris-schembra/
Links for Abigail Barnes:
Time Management for Entrepreneurs & Professionals, by Abigail Barnes
– Free chapter: https://bit.ly/downloadfreechapternow
– Buy the book: https://bit.ly/TMFEAPBOOK
– Buy it on Amazon (Available Worldwide)
How to Audit your Time: https://bit.ly/AUDITYOURTIME
Useful Links: https://bit.ly/EPISODELINKS
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