What if you could tap parts of your body and feel cool, calm and collected in a matter of minutes, and what if that feeling would never go away. Well that’s the conversation this week!
📣 This week on The Time Management Podcast I am joined by Melanie Moore the UK’s leading Vision Board expert and award winning coach for a conversation about EFT also known as tapping. Find out how you can use this technique to clear what’s blocking you within a matter of minutes.
PLUS This episode also includes 3 opportunities for you to tap along with us.
They’re for you if you’re currently struggling with overwhelm or procrastination, fear of speaking, or if you need to tap yourself from 10/10 frustration to calm, cool & collected asap!
“You have to feel it to heal it.” (a phrase attributed to various authors, therapists, and spiritual teachers)
In this episode we also covered:
- What is EFT (Tapping)?
- How can Tapping help us feel less overwhelmed?
- 09:28 Tap along with us: Tapping to reduce overwhelm
- How Melanie discovered EFT
- What EFT can be used for
- How it can heal trauma
- You’ve got to feel it to heal it
- Where does trauma and emotional blocks come from?
- How to use EFT to remove your fear of public speaking
- 24:50 Tap along with us: Tap away your fear of speaking in public
- How Melanie used tapping to remove her fear of abandonment
- Tapping for green lights & a smooth journey
- Tapping & the Law of Attraction
- The power of positive thinking/speaking
- Manifesting your reality
- One of my clients manifested $100k
- Changing your patterns & telling a new story
- How to keep going even though things aren’t going to plan
- How to remain calm when last minute tasks crop up
- 40:14 Tap along with us: Tap your frustration into calm cool & collected
- Join: Manifest a Christmas Miracle (3 day experience)
- And so much more
Episode 063: How to use EFT to clear your success blocks [3 demos included] with Melanie Moore
It’s your Time!
Links for this Episode:
➜ Manifest a Christmas Miracle: https://bit.ly/CHRISTMASMIRACLE
YouTube: http://youtube.com/melaniemooreeft
Website: https://www.melaniemoore.co.uk/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iammelaniemoore/
The Abundance Rebirth Retreat :
Useful Links for Abigail: https://bit.ly/EPISODELINKS
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Disclaimer: This content does not aim to replace professional medical advice or therapy. Please seek the support you need where necessary. Success by Design Training accepts no liability.