The role of the Assistant: Where efficiency meets effectiveness 

What if you have everything you need to succeed, but you either can’t see it, aren’t valuing your contribution or are focusing on things that don’t matter?!

📣 This week on The Time Management Podcast I am joined by Jessica Gardiner, the Founder & Managing Director of The Assistant Room, one of the biggest global professional membership platforms for personal and executive assistance in the world for a conversation about the role of an assistant, finding time for wellbeing, boundary setting and so much more!

This Episode is for you if:

→ You’re struggling to be taken seriously at work

→ You know what you’re capable of but no one else seems to recognise it

→ You’re ready to tell a new story, to be inspired, motivated and reminded of just how valuable your contribution is to your organisation in whatever role you currently hold!

“You are incredible at what you do, the role that you have is extremely important within organisations to a point where I don’t think is truly understood even by PAs and EAs, the impact and the contribution that business support professionals make goes so unbelievably deep within businesses.” Jessica Gardiner

In this episode we also covered:

  • The Role an Assistant (EA/PA)
  • Prioritising time & personal goals for success
  • Importance of time management & self-care for entrepreneurs
  • Efficiency & Effectiveness
  • Being strategic & intentional with time for effective networking
  • Managing Overwhelm
  • Clear communication & boundaries are crucial for PAs and EAs
  • Avoiding Burnout
  • How to handle emotions in the moment
  • Feeling Alone
  • Importance of a supportive network outside your role as an EA/PA
  • Importance of genuine advice and support
  • Embracing yourself and being happy
  • Mindset for Success
  • Empowering assistants to demonstrate their impact
  • Access to real-life experience & resources for career success
  • The Concierge Desk – Saving time & money
  • Constant journey of time management with clear strategies
  • Balancing work & personal life is crucial for success
  • Setting boundaries & being accountable for positive habits
  • Continuous improvement & mentorship for assistants
  • Fixed Mindset v Growth Mindset
  • Guilt & saying no
  • Helping Organisations recognising the commercial benefits of their EA/PA
  • Impact of the profession on well-being
  • Creating & Maintaining healthy habits
  • And so much more

038 Jessica Gardiner: The role of the Assistant. Where efficiency meets effectiveness 

– I can’t wait to hear what you take away from this episode, and your questions

Connect with me on Linkedin or Instagram so that we can continue the conversation there!

⏰ It’s your Time!

Links for Jessica Gardiner:




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