Playing the Productivity game: Efficiency versus Effectiveness

Do you know the difference between the tasks on your to do list that matter and will move the needle and the tasks that are busy work?

📣 This week on The Time Management Podcast I’ll be demystifying the confusion around efficiency and effectiveness when it comes to playing the productivity game and maximising the time and resources you have to create the career, business and life you want.

This Episode is for you if:

→ You’re drowning in your to do list

→ You’re struggling to know how to prioritise what matters

→ You’re ready to get on top of your to do list & life admin once and for all

“Efficiency is doing something well, effectiveness is doing something that will move the needle.” Abigail Barnes 

In this episode we also covered:

  • What is efficiency?
  • What is effectiveness?
  • Slow Productivity by Cal Newport
  • The Knowledge Worker
  • Efficiency is secondary
  • Effectiveness is your goal
  • All tasks are not equal
  • Overwhelm is procrastination
  • Episode 37: Procrastination is a trauma response
  • Time Management is impossible
  • Task Management is your goal
  • High Performance habits you need
  • Success Mindset
  • Progress beats perfection
  • The 1% ‘unfair advantage’
  • The reframe game
  • “Winners never quit & quitters never win” Vince Lombardi
  • Eyes on the prize – What do you want?
  • More time, money, freedom – all of it?
  • Homework: Brain dump – What do you want?
  • Homework: Prioritise – What matters most
  • Homework: Commit – Results follow actions
  • Homework: Jump in – The waters warm
  • What could stop you – Episode 15: Audit your time
  • Episode 025 Imposter Syndrome
  • Episode 002 Procrastination – Perfection Loop
  • Episode 024 Human Design
  • Strategy & Authority (how you make decisions, how you respond to opportunities)
  • It’s your Time
  • And so much more

Episode 039: Playing the Productivity game: Efficiency versus Effectiveness

📌 Homework from this week’s episode

  1. Homework: Brain dump – What do you want?
  2. Homework: Prioritise – What matters most?
  3. Homework: Commit – Results follow actions
  4. Homework: Jump in – The waters warm
  5. What could stop you – Episode 15: Audit your time

 – I can’t wait to hear what you take away from this episode, your ah has & questions.

Connect with me on Linkedin or Instagram so that we can continue the conversation there!

⏰ It’s your Time!

Links for this Episode:

Time Management for Entrepreneurs & Professionals, by Abigail Barnes

 – Free chapter:

 – Buy the book:

 – Buy it on Amazon (Available Worldwide)

How to Audit your Time:

Useful Links:

Slow Productivity, by Cal Newport:


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